January 1 - New Year's Day
January 6 - Epiphany
February 28 - Day of Andalucia (Andalucia only)
March 24 - Easter Thursday
March 25 - Good Friday (Not a bank holiday)
March 27 - Easter
March 28 - Basque National Day (Easter Monday)
May 1 - May Day/Labour Day
August 15 - Feast of the Assumption (not banks)
September 11 - National Day of Catalonia (Catalonia only)
October 12 - Spanish National Day
November 1 - All Saints Day
December 6 - Day of the Constitution
December 8 - Immaculate Conception
December 25 - Christmas Day
You should know: An ad hoc holiday is sometimes given on the Feast of San José, 19 March.
Holidays falling on a weekend are not moved.
If a holiday falls on a Tuesday or Thursday, then there will be a tendency for many people to take an unofficial extra day on the Monday preceding or Friday following respectively. Companies and banks will be open, but probably under-staffed.
January 1 - New Year's Day
January 17 - Martin Luther King Jr Day
February 21 - Presidents' Day/Washington's Birthday
May 30 - Memorial Day
June 14 - Flag Day
July 4 - Independence Day
September 5 - Labor Day
October 10 - Columbus Day
November 11 - Veterans' Day
November 24 - Thanksgiving
December 25 - Christmas Day
December 31 - New Year's Eve